English to Indonesian
west | barat |
west germany | jerman barat |
west indies | hindia barat |
west of | di barat |
west point | akademi militer west point |
west ward | arah |
west wind | angin barat |
west-bound | yang menuju ke barat |
westem | arah barat |
westemer | orang barat |
westemization | penjadian ala barat |
westemize | menjadikan ala barat |
westemized | menjadikan ala barat |
westerly | kearah barat |
western | sebelah barat, menghadap ke barat |
western countries | negara-negara barat |
western europe | eropah barat |
western indonesia | indonesia bagian barat |
western indonesia standard time | w.i.b |
westerner | westerner |
westernization | menjadikan seperti kebudayaan barat |
west | |
noun |
the countries of (originally) Europe and (now including) North America and South America
negara-negara (awalnya) dan Eropa (sekarang termasuk) Amerika Utara dan Amerika Selatan
source: WordNet 3.0
Example(s)We're being critical of the West, Kami mengkritik dunia Barat,
the perception of the West persepsi dunia Barat
I envy sometimes the artists of the West Terkadang saya iri pada artis-artis Barat
But also, I worry about the West, Namun, saya juga khawatir pada dunia Barat,
even if I have to operate in the West only for now. walaupun saya hanya dapat bekerja dari dunia Barat sekarang.
And we in the West Dan kita di Barat
in the West Indies, di West Indies,
go to a place off of Key West in Florida, pergi ke tempat di Key West, Florida,
on the west coast of Florida. di pantai barat Florida.
that surfaced only in the West, in about the 17th century. yang muncul hanya di Barat, sekitar abad ke-17.
to Jhunjhunu in the west, sampai Jhnjhunu di Barat,
and this is something that is often dismissed in the West, dan hal ini sering ditepis oleh dunia barat
written in the West, at least. setidaknya yang ditulis di dunia Barat.
in Europe and the West, di Eropa dan di negara Barat,
In the West, there were Neanderthals; Di Barat, ada Neanderthal,
All dug up just west of here in Olduvai Gorge, by the Leakey family. Semua digali di sebelah barat dari tempat ini di Ngarai Olduvai, oleh keluarga Leakey.
I grew up in the west of Ireland, Saya besar di Irlandia barat,
And they will start to use as much as the Old West are doing already. Dan mereka akan mulai mengkonsumsi energi sebanyak Barat Tua.
These will be redundant concepts. And this isn't only something of the West. Ini akan menjadi konsep yang mubazir. Dan ini bukan hanya di dunia Barat.
I'd spoken in Somalia, Burundi, Gaza, the West Bank, Saya sudah berbicara di Somalia, Burundi, Tepi Barat,
and I was going to go to the mid-west. dan pergi ke daerah barat bagian tengah.
I would take this job in the West Coast. saya akan menerima tawaran pekerjaan di pantai barat
Cornel West says, "Of course it's a failure. Cornel West berkata, "Tentu saja itu sebuah kegagalan,
and for me they stemmed and started with my family in West Virginia. unttukku mereka menggabungkan dari keluargaku di Virginia Barat.
far west of Nepal, di ujung barat Nepal,
who was a contemporary of Augustine in the West yang hidup -- di jaman yang sama dengan Augustine di Barat
looks like a pair of saloon doors in the wild west. yang tampak seperti sepasang pintu bar di dunia koboi.
will be not from the West bukan dari Barat
Now, I know it's a widespread assumption in the West Saya tahu sekarang ada asumsi meluas di Barat
China is not like the West, Cina tidak sama seperti Barat,
and it will not become like the West. dan tidak akan menjadi Barat.
And the problem we have in the West at the moment, by and large, Masalah yang kita punya di Barat saat ini
which is what happened in the West, seperti yang terjadi di Barat,
that barely anyone in the West believed them. bahwa nyaris tidak ada orang di Barat percaya mereka.
Well, basically the East was swallowed by the West. Yah, pada dasarnya Timur ditelan oleh Barat.
is very different from that in the West. sangat berbeda dengan yang ada di Barat.
Now we in the West Sekarang kita di Barat
in the West. di Barat.
that the West thinks of itself bahwa Barat itu berpikir
the West has been so dominant in the world Barat telah begitu dominan di dunia
which have been in a far weaker position, vis-a-vis the West -- yang telah masuk ke dalam posisi yang jauh lebih lemah, menghadapi Barat,
have been thereby forced to understand the West, telah dipaksa untuk memahami Barat,
because of the West's presence in those societies. karena kehadiran Barat dalam masyarakat tersebut.
more cosmopolitan in many ways than the West. lebih kosmopolitan dalam banyak hal dari Barat.
about the West mengenai Barat
than the West is about East Asia. dibandingkan Barat terhadap Asia Timur.
First, the West Pertama, Barat
in India, in China, will reach that of the West. di India, di Cina, akan mencapai tingkat yang sama dengan di Barat.
advancement in the West. yang luar biasa di dunia Barat.
If you've been in the American West, jika kalian pernah ke Amerika Barat