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Indonesian to English
di barat west of
diin, at, on


dari perang CIA di Barat Laut Pakistan?
of the CIA's war in Northwest Pakistan?
di Barat Laut Pakistan,
in Northwest Pakistan,
Dan kita di Barat
And we in the West
yang muncul hanya di Barat, sekitar abad ke-17.
that surfaced only in the West, in about the 17th century.
sampai Jhnjhunu di Barat,
to Jhunjhunu in the west,
Di Barat, ada Neanderthal,
In the West, there were Neanderthals;
yang hidup -- di jaman yang sama dengan Augustine di Barat
who was a contemporary of Augustine in the West
Saya tahu sekarang ada asumsi meluas di Barat
Now, I know it's a widespread assumption in the West
Masalah yang kita punya di Barat saat ini
And the problem we have in the West at the moment, by and large,
seperti yang terjadi di Barat,
which is what happened in the West,
bahwa nyaris tidak ada orang di Barat percaya mereka.
that barely anyone in the West believed them.
sangat berbeda dengan yang ada di Barat.
is very different from that in the West.
Sekarang kita di Barat
Now we in the West
di Barat.
in the West.
di India, di Cina, akan mencapai tingkat yang sama dengan di Barat.
in India, in China, will reach that of the West.
setidaknya di Barat.
at least in the West.
Kita di Barat
We in the West,
bahwa tempat saya bukan hanya di Barat atau di Afrika,
that my place is not just in the West or in Africa,
Dan tentu saja, telah terjadi pertumbuhan ekonomi di Barat.
And of course, there's been economic growth in the West.
Kami tidak ingin memiliki apa yang ada di Barat.
We don't want to have what there is in the West.
Ini adalah Sungai Kangerlussuaq di barat daya Greenland.
This is the Kangerlussuaq River in southwest Greenland.
adalah negara-negara industri di Barat,
in the industrialized nations in the West,
Lalu kita yang tinggal di Barat, jika saya dapat berkata seperti itu,
Now those of us that live in the West, if I can use that term,
dan perebutan kekuasaan politik di Barat.
and political upheaval in the West.
di Barat.
in the West.
CA: Ada banyak orang di Barat
CA: There are a lot of people in the West
di Barat,
here in the West,
Kita berada di sekolah swasta di barat Amerika
We are at a private school in the American West,
Menurut saya beberapa negara berkuasa di Barat,
And I think the West, at least some powers in the West,
terlepas dari adanya para skeptik di Barat,
despite some of the skeptics in the West,
bahwa ilmu pengetahuan, matematika, dan teknik di Barat saat ini
as Western science and mathematics and engineering
akan mencapai standar yang sama seperti sekretaris kantor di Barat.
will reach the same standard as an office secretary in the West.