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Indonesian to English
di depan ahead
diin, at, on
depanfront, ahead, coming next


Seorang anak yang bekerja di depan sebuah komputer
A single child in front of a single computer
supaya anak-anak dapat duduk di depan layar yang besar,
so that children can sit in front of big, powerful screens,
untuk pertama kalinya di depan penonton,
for the first time in front of an audience,
di depan ratusan jemaah,
amongst tons of worshippers,
Dan seterusnya, bahkan pengadilan dan cambuk di depan umum.
And it goes on, even trial and flogging me in public.
dan menempatkan diri mereka di depan
and put themselves on the line,
Kenyataan bahwa mereka tidak berada tepat di depan kita,
The fact that they're not right in front of us,
sang ahli di depan podium,
the sage on the stage,
Gambar pertama yang Anda lihat di depan Anda
The first one that you see in front of you
di depan teman-teman kelas dua saya, dan saya kutip,
in front of my year two classmates, and I quote,
berceramah di depan kelompok mahasiswa dan profesional.
talking to groups of students and professionals,
di depan kami para penderita cacat.
in front of we people with disabilities.
Saya ingat berdiri di depan
I remember standing in front of that
itu terjadi di depan mata kita dan kita tidak melihatnya.
that it's before our noses and we do not see it.
saat coklat itu ada di depan kita.
when the chocolate is next to us.
Saya terlempar di depan mobil itu
I flew out in front of the car,
saat saya muncul di depan pintu?
when I showed up at their doorstep?
dan menyuruh mereka menari di depan lukisan saya.
and had them dance in front of a painting.
Seperti ketika mereka duduk di depan mikroskop,
So when they were sitting in front of the microscope,
kita memiliki gambaran ini -- anda tahu, mereka menuangkan sesuatu di depan mikroskop
we have this image -- you know, they're pouring over the microscope,
tidak terjadi di dalam lab, di depan mikroskop.
did not happen alone in the lab, in front of the microscope.
baik saudara atau siapapun di depan Anda,
might it be your own relative or someone just in front of you,
Saya berdiri di depan penonton berjumlah 300 atau 400 orang,
I'm standing here in front of an audience of about 300 or 400 people,
pameran ini ditampilkan di depan balai kota Paris.
the exhibition was displayed in front of the city hall of Paris.
Kita harus menyerang merk ini di depan orang-orang tersebut.
We've got to attack that brand in front of them.
Ibu kita, Meksiko, telah dihina di depan mata kita sendiri.
Our mother, Mexico, is being violated before our very eyes.
Jadi, anda tidak terlalu yakin bagaimana bila berdiri di depan Tuhan.
So, you're not really sure how you stand in front of God.
Jadi kita telah berada di depan tahapan "12 detik penerbangan" itu
So we're beyond the 12-second steps.
Mereka dapat duduk dua kaki di depan orang-orang terbaik dunia.
They can sit two feet in front of the world's finest.
didesain untuk mendudukkan orang di depan komputer,
designed to get people in front of computers,
Anda tinggal mengklik tombol dan bendanya muncul di depan pintu Anda seminggu kemudian.
you click the button and it shows up at your doorstep a week later.
Dan dia duduk di depan mesin cuci,
and she sat down in front of the machine,
di depan Kongres beberapa tahun yang lalu.
presented to Congress a few years ago.
tepat di depan kediaman duta besar
right up to the Ambassador's residence
di depan rumah kami, penuh dengan permen yang paling enak.
full of the most delicious sweets at our doorstep.
berdiri di depan Anda semua
of standing in front of all of you
semoga ini yang terakhir kalinya di depan umum.
hopefully for the last time in public ever.
berkerja di depan televisi -- dan Super Sculpey --
working in front of the television and Super Sculpey --
Saat saya berdiri di sini di depan Anda semua,
And when I stand here in front of all of you,
untuk menunggu di depan kotak surat.
to wait by the mailbox.
bahwa, bukan Tim Harford yang ada di depan Anda,
that, instead of Tim Harford in front of you,
dan merasakan bagaimana rasanya berada di depan musuh.
and get a feeling of the face of the enemy.
Kami semua duduk. Pada pukul 2:30 kita meletakkan papan pengumuman lipat di atas trotoar di depan
And we sat. And at 2:30 p.m. we put a sandwich board out on the front sidewalk
mereka tidak mengerjakan per-er di depan TV.
They don't do their homework in front of the TV.
Dan ia telah membacakannya beberapa minggu yang lalu di depan 500 orang di Symphony Space,
And then he read aloud just a few weeks ago to 500 people at Symphony Space,
bendera yang melambai tepat di depan tempat ternak.
this flag waving, right in front of the veterinary facility.
manusia masih akan bersosialisasi di depan kayu bakar
then men would still be socializing in front of a wood fire
mencoba untuk memahami apa yang ada di depan saya.
trying to comprehend what it was that stood in front of me.
di depan mata kita.
before our very eyes.
Apapun yang ada di depan mereka, mereka mengambil semua data statistiknya.
Whatever you put in front of them, they'll take statistics on.