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Indonesian to English
hanya ada there is but
hanyaonly, however
adathere is/are, be, have, did


hanya ada sedikit pengikat di antara batu-batunya.
a small amount of binder between the stones.
Dan ini tidak hanya ada satu, namun banyak.
And there's not just one of these, there's many of them.
Tapi hanya ada sedikit kawah pada permukaan Titan,
but there are very few craters on the surface of Titan,
Anda akan melihat di awal slide -- hanya ada empat foto --
you'll see them at the start of the slide show -- there's only about four images --
hanya ada 30 penari klasik yang hidup.
there were only 30 of these classical dancers still living.
hanya ada rangkaian bunga plastik
you used plastic bouquets
Hanya ada satu,
There is only one,
Hanya ada satu titik referensi yang adalah tubuh.
There is just one reference point, which is the body.
hanya ada keheningan
There's just silence
Hanya ada tiga atau empat bahan bangunan berbeda yang ada.
There's only maybe three or four different types of building blocks present.
Seperti Anda lihat hanya ada tanah kuning
As you can see there's only yellow terrain.
tak ada yang tersisa, hanya ada sedikit alang-alang.
There's nothing left -- just a bit of grass there.
hanya ada rumput bergoyang.
just this waving grass.
? Sekarang, hanya ada bunga-bunga ?
? Now, there's nothing but flowers ?
mereka yakin hanya ada satu cara yang pasti untuk memperoleh kebahagiaan:
they firmly believed there's only one sure way to happiness:
Pada dasarnya hanya ada satu cara bagaimana sarang lebah dapat berfungsi.
There is basically just one way in which a beehive can function.
Satu percara bila hanya ada satu kehidupan.
One believes this is the one and only life.
Dan hanya ada tiga hal yang dibutuhkan untuk memulainya.
And there are just three things you need for this thing to kick into gear.
mengapa Anda tidak menyadari hanya ada tiga jari di bawah sini,
why you don't notice there are only three fingers down here,
hanya ada karena menghilang berkali-kali.
only comes into its own by disappearing repeatedly.
hanya ada di bagian luarnya.
is only on the outside.
Dan pada kontrol hanya ada tiga.
And yet, in the controls there were three.
Hanya ada satu kenyataan yang mutlak,
There's only one absolute reality by definition,
Hanya ada sedikit kota yang gagal.
Very few cities fail.
Hanya ada satu perusahaan, satu agensi yang ingin menolongku,
But with only one company, one agency willing to help me --
Tapi tidak saja hanya ada peraturan bagaimana untuk bermain,
But there aren’t just rules about how to play;
Ternyata hanya ada 10 menit waktu produktif
It turns out there's only 10 minutes of productive time
Itu berarti hanya ada satu cara pertukaran energi
And that means that there is a one-way transfer of energy
Jadi mereka tidak hanya ada sebagai satu jenis,
So that these don't just exist as one entity,
ini tidak hanya ada di pasar modal.
that, of course, these aren't just running through the market.
hanya ada satu oktaf nada yang tepat berada di tengah
it would only be one octave that the naked eye could see,
karena itu sekarang hanya ada sedikit orang Maya dan Aztek.
which is why there are very few Mayans and Aztecs.
setelah lima atau enam mil, hanya ada satu pilihan.
and after about five or six miles, that horse has a choice.
hanya ada dua orang yang pernah melewatinya sebelum saya.
only two human beings have survived it before me.
Data hanya ada di mana ada cahaya.
And there's only data where there is light.
dia menemukan bahwa hanya ada sedikit sumber
he found that there were very few resources available
hanya ada dedaunan ini yang keluar dari permukaan.
and you just have those leaves peeping up above the surface.
namun hanya ada satu
but only one of which
Hanya ada Limun Keras Mike's di kios,
All they had was Mike's Hard Lemonade,
hanya ada saya dan dia saat itu,
and it was just her and me for that moment,
sampai hanya ada -- ada suatu transparansi antara saya dan cerita yang saya ciptakan.
until there was only -- there is a transparency between me and the story that I am creating.
hanya ada beberapa orang
there were only a couple of people
hanya ada 2 jenis perusahaan di dunia ini:
that there are two types of companies in the world:
Saat saya lahir hanya ada kurang dari 1 miliar anak-anak di dunia ini,
When I was born there was less than one billion children in the world,
Jika tidak hanya ada negara mayoritas Kristen.
Otherwise it was only Christian countries.
hanya ada satu hal yang saya yakini:
there is one thing I'm sure of:
Kami benar-benar hanya ada pada permukaan akan apa yang mungkin.
We are really only scratching the surface of what is possible today,
Hanya ada gumpalan cat yang diletakkan dengan artistik.
There were just little artfully placed blobs of paint.
mereka tidak punya pertanyaan, hanya ada jawaban.
they have no questions, only answers.
Namun itu tidak membantu karena hanya ada sedikit spesies
But that doesn't help because there were very few species