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Indonesian to English
hanya perlu should just stop
hanyaonly, however
perlunecessary, need


dan kita hanya perlu memandangnya
and we just gaze out of them
dan hanya perlu sedikit waktu berpikir.
and just requires phenomenal grunt.
Apakah pria hanya perlu berkata,
Mom, does the man just say,
Anda hanya perlu mengikuti peraturan sederhana ini:
And you just have to follow these simple, simple rules:
yang tidak hanya perlu
that's not only going to need
Anda hanya perlu pergi ke pusat kebun,
But you just have to go to a garden center,
Dan hanya perlu satu data yang berlawanan
And only one contrary data point
Namun hanya perlu satu pengamatan kuat dari Copernicus
It only took one robust observation from Copernicus
Untuk menguji air, Anda hanya perlu memasukkan contoh
To test water, you simply insert a sample
mereka perlu memiliki keberuntungan setiap saat, dan kita hanya perlu keberuntungan sekali saja."
to be lucky all the time, and we only have to be lucky once."
Anda hanya perlu mencuci muka:
all you have to do is wash your face:
Anda hanya perlu menyobek dan mengeluarkannya.
You just snap them in half, and you squeeze it out.
hanya perlu menunjukkan semua slide yang ada dan diam.
we're just going to show you all the slides and remain silent.
kita hanya perlu 75 persen energi tambahan.
you actually only need 75 percent more energy.
Untuk mengerti sesuatu, anda hanya perlu memahami hal-hal kecil.
to understand anything, you just need to understand the little bits;
Anda hanya perlu mengekliknya 2 kali.
all you need to do is double-click.
kamu hanya perlu memasukkan jari kamu didalamnya,
you just put your finger in the thing,
Mereka juga sebenarnya dapat bergerak mendekati cahaya. Anda hanya perlu memilih jenisnya.
They can actually also move towards the light. You have to just choose your species.
saya hanya perlu membuang
I just have to remove
Anda hanya perlu tahu apa yang bisa dilakukan batu.
you just have to know what it does.
Pria hanya perlu membuangnya dari satu tempat."
Men just have to dump it in a single area."
Hal ini berhasil, Anda hanya perlu meneruskannya.
it works, you just have to get it going.
Anda hanya perlu 1.000 aksara untuk mengerti tulisan dasar.
You only need 1,000 to understand the basic literacy.
Dan ketika saya tidak punya sisa lagi, Saya hanya perlu minum susu,
And when I have no more love left, I just drink milk,
Ia hanya perlu selembar kertas di mana ia dapat membubuhkan sedikit tanda,
He needs just a piece of paper where he can put down little marks,
yang hanya perlu keluar dan belajar dan punya ide-ide bagus,
who just have to go out and learn and have good ideas,
anda hanya perlu mensubstitusi.
you can just substitute.
yang mana ini hanya perlu terlihat bagus selama seperseribu detik.
which is it only has to look good for a thousandth of a second.
Namun, ini hanya perlu dikerjakan selama seperseribu detik.
But again, it only has to work for a thousandth of a second.
Mereka hanya perlu menjawab satu masalah kecil.
It only has to solve one little problem.
satu negara hanya perlu membuat satu riak kecil,
one country only has to make a small wave,
Kita hanya perlu mengikuti delapan prinsip ini.
we just keep following these eight principles,
hanya perlu 1 persen saja dr mereka
you only need one percent of them
hanya perlu 8 gelas air,
need just eight glasses of this,
Hanya perlu beberapa menit untuk memakai
It only takes a few minutes to put on
Dia hanya perlu diam. Bersantai.
He just hangs out. He's relaxed.
Apel itu hanya perlu memiliki satu sifat yang baik dan unik.
It's just necessary or interesting that it might have one good, unique trait.
Anda hanya perlu berkeliling sebentar
You've just got to go around the block
Anda hanya perlu mengetahui angka 100 miliar.
100 billion is the only number you need to know.
Anda hanya perlu menunggu pergerakan atom-atom secara acak
you just wait for the random motion of atoms
Anda hanya perlu melihatnya dengan sedikit berbeda.
You just need to look at them a little differently.
Anda hanya perlu membayangkan kembali jalan-jalan Anda.
You just need to reimagine your streets.
Anda hanya perlu menyetel feed media sosial yang tersedia secara publik.
you just tune into publicly available social media feeds.
Saya hanya perlu keluar
The only thing I had to do was go out,
bahwa Anda hanya perlu pergi setelah itu.
that you just have to go after it.
Kamu hanya perlu menggunakan Google.
You can just Google it.
tapi kita semua hanya perlu mengakui bahwa itu ada,
but we all just have to acknowledge that it's there
kita hanya perlu yang lebih baik.
we just need a better one.
Anda hanya perlu mendorong mereka ke arah yang benar.
You should just nudge them in the right direction.
saya hanya perlu memutar gambar ini kesini dan ...
I'll just rotate this little guy around and ...