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Indonesian to English
tertutup shut, closed, locked, secured
tertutup awanovercloud
tertutup dengan embun bekufrost bound
tertutup rapatbunged up
tertutup saljusnowy


Alat itu dibawa dalam boks tertutup kain.
And it's carried in a box with a canvas shroud over it.
seperti bagaimana panel-panel terbuka dan tertutup,
like how panels open and then they fold,
Semua yang ada di alam digunakan dalam siklus tertutup yang terus menerus
Everything in nature is used up in a closed continuous cycle
Sebagian besar Inggris, seluruh Skandinavia, tertutup es setebal beberapa kilometer.
Most of Britain, all of Scandinavia, covered by ice several kilometers thick.
Jadi apa yang terjadi di sini? Afrika tidak tertutup es.
So what was going on here? We weren't covered in ice in Africa.
terbuka dan tertutup --
that opened and closed --
Beberapa tempat tidak tertutup oleh papan nama
The few surfaces not covered by signs
yang tertutup gelap perhatian.
that are dark spots in terms of attention.
transfer ini begitu tertutup, dengan transparansi yang minimal
these transfers were opaque, with little transparency
tertutup dalam menempatkan diri mereka,
as closed and set in their ways,
bahwa kota ramah lingkungan tertutup oleh tanaman hijau.
this idea that a sustainable city is covered in greenery.
karena jika Anda menaruh kotoran di lingkungan tertutup, di dalam tangki,
because if you put poop in a sealed environment, in a tank,
"sedangkan individu yang tertutup lebih memilih padangan politik kanan yang konservatif, tradisional."
"whereas closed individuals prefer conservative, traditional, right-wing views."
Dia masih berbaring di sana hari ini, tertutup lapisan rumput hijau.
He still lies there today, covered in a layer of green grass.
saat berada di kotak logam tertutup,
when you're in a sealed metal box,
termasuk yang disimpan dalam peti tertutup
including those that were in a locked case
"Senyuman adalah sebuah pintu yang setengah terbuka dan setengah tertutup,"
"A smile is a door that is half open and half closed,"
keterbukaan yang pas, dan apa yang harus tetap tertutup.
openness is good for them, and what needs to stay closed.
mencoba memasukkan bola dengan satu mata tertutup."
trying to shoot with one eye."
benar-benar tertutup
entirely sealed, miniature world
Benar-benar tertutup.
essentially entirely sealed.
sesuatu yang benar-benar tertutup
is that it is entirely materially closed --
sistem tertutup untuk bercocok tanam di Mars.
an entirely sealed system to grow plants to grow on Mars.
Sinar matahari tertutup, dan jamur hidup di Bumi.
Sunlight was cut off, and fungi inherited the Earth.
Karena ketika pintu tertutup
Because when the door closes
Yang satu terbuka, yang satu tertutup.
This is open; this is closed.
di bagian yg tertutup
in these closed organizations --
dari yg terbuka ke yg tertutup.
from the open to the closed.
adalah organisasi yg tertutup tapi berkualitas
is the intelligent, closed organizations
memadukan gaya tertutup dan terbuka dgn cerdik.
mixing closed and open in tricky ways.
Itu karena telur bukanlah sistem tertutup,
That's because an egg is not a closed system;
Sulap adalah bidang yang sangat tertutup.
So magic is a very introverted field.
di lapangan parkir yang datar dan tertutup --
in a flat, closed-off parking lot --
untuk memilih pintu mana yang akan dibuka dan mana yang dibiarkan tertutup
to choose which doors to open and which to leave closed,
dan tertutup, perempuan bercadar.
and covered, veiled women.
bagaimana mungkin Anda dapat berbicara dengan orang lain dengan wajah tertutup? --
how can you talk to people if you have your face covered? --
Warna merah sudah jelas menunjukkan hutan tropis berkanopi tertutup
The red shows, obviously, closed-canopy tropical forest,
jika Anda membiarkan tanah tidak tertutup.
if you leave the soil uncovered.
pintunya tertutup dan saya pun sendirian.
wham, the door closed, and I was alone.
tertutup rapat dan anda tidak akan mati sama sekali,
with a cap on top, and you would not die at all,
Pemuliaan tertutup akan menjadi kontributor terbesar dalam membangkitkan kembali spesies-spesies punah ini.
Captive breeding will be a major part of bringing back these species.
Namun berkat pemuliaan tertutup di San Diego,
Thanks to captive breeding at the San Diego Zoo,
lebih menginginkan arah berlawanan -- lebih ke perbatasan yang tertutup
It's rather the other way -- more closed borders
dari sesi tertutup bersama Presiden.
from behind closed-door sessions with the President.
Dan kemudian pintu tertutup.
And that door closed.
karena itu berarti sistemnya tertutup.
because it means it's a sealed system.
Mengenai BP, lubangnya berhasil tertutup
As with BP, the hole does get plugged,
tertutup bagi seluruh orang kulit putih.
will henceforth be closed to all whites.
ke model siklus tertutup.
to a closed-loop model.
Jadi saya lanjutkan tentang pemndahan dari siklus linear ke tertutup.
So now I want to go onto talking about the linear-to-closed-loop idea.