Indonesian to English
hampir pasti | most certainly |
Contohdan hampir pasti lokasinya di Iran, and it is most likely located in Iran,
saya yakin hampir pasti kita akan I think it's almost certain we will
Paula Radcliffe, orang yang hampir pasti akan merebut gelar juara Paula Radcliffe, the one person who is sure to snatch the big paycheck
Dan hampir pasti badan ini akan menentukan batas paparan They've pretty much set field exposure limits,
Dan hampir pasti bahwa mereka akan mengejar, and it's pretty sure that they will catch up,
hampir pasti dikendalikan salah satu dari alat ini. most likely are controlled by one of these.
yang hampir pasti akan terlihat jelas. this would hardly be an invisible structure.
Anda hampir pasti benar. you almost certainly do.
hampir pasti anda akan salah memutuskan you're likely to get the trade-off wrong,