English to Indonesian
near as a new g`e | sangat rapi |
near at hand | dekat; segera terjadi |
near by | dekat |
near completion | hampir selesai |
near critical point fluctuation | ginjatan dekat titik genting |
near distance | jarak dekat |
near double | hampir dobel |
near enough impossible | hampir tidak mungkin |
near field | medan dekat |
near infrared radiation | radiasi inframerah dekat |
near miss | hampir kena |
near money | surat berharga |
near of kin | famili dekat |
near point | titik dekat |
near sight | mata dekat |
near sighted | rabun jauh |
near surface | permukaan dekat |
near to | dekat pada |
near ultraviolet radiation | radiasi ultraungu dekat |
near unto | dekat |
near | |
adjective |
not far distant in time or space or degree or circumstances
tidak jauh jauh dalam waktu atau ruang atau gelar atau keadaan
source: WordNet 3.0
Example(s)Baseline levels are near zero, Tingkat dasarnya mendekati nol
? And the ear that hears itself is near ? ? Dan telinga yang mendengar suaranya sendiri itu dekat ?
a ship named the Apollo Sea sank near Dassen Island, kapal bernama "Apollo Sea" tenggelam di dekat Pulau Dassen,
because she did tend to faff on a bit near the end. karena penulisnya agak bertele-tele di ujung cerita.
from species that were near to home dari spesies yang ada di wilayah ini
found near my apartment building. yang ada di dekat gedung apartemen saya.
The area near these walls, Daerah di sekitar dinding ini
in the wooded area near the urban expressway di hutan sekitar jalan tol
but never bothered to look close and near. namun tidak pernah melihat ke tempat yang dekat.
letting friends know that their end was near dengan membuat para sahabat mereka tahu bahwa waktu mereka sudah dekat
down near Manly Beach dekat dengan Pantai Manly
it fires whenever the animal gets near menembak kapanpun binatang itu berada
there is no way you will get anywhere near the top 10." tidak mungkin Anda dapat mendekati 10 besar."
near the Congo border, dekat perbatasan Kongo,
His village is near Mogadishu. Sebuah desa dekat Mogadishu.
and the retrofits that are coming soon to a neighborhood near you. dan perbaikan yang segera akan datang di lingkungan sekitar Anda.
You're in a near vacuum in that environment, Anda hampir berada di ruang hampa udara
I grew up in a typical American town near St. Louis. Saya dibesarkan di kota kecil biasa dekat St. Louis di Amerika.
who live near textile works tend to have high rates of leukemia. yang tinggal di dekat pabrik-pabrik tekstil cenderung untuk memiliki angka leukimia yang tinggi.
But we’re nowhere near the endgame namun sama sekali belum mendekati akhir
We evolved as a species near the equator, Kita berevolusi sebagai spesies di dekat khatulistiwa,
near where I grew up. dekat tempat saya dibesarkan.
actually five or six new singles, as near as I can tell -- lima atau enam single sebenarnya, setahu saya --
and we want to tell you they're not in trouble, they're near collapse. dan mereka berkata lautan tidak berada dalam masalah, namun hampir hancur.
called NEAR, Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous. yang bernama NEAR, " Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous."
And since it was near lunch time, Dan karena saat itu menjelang makan siang,
and you want to make detergent in a factory near Liverpool. dan Anda hendak membuat deterjen di pabrik dekat Liverpool.
And I look at Eduardo, who's near tears looking at this, Saya melihat Eduardo, yang hampir menangis melihat ini,
And so then they're all sold in the store. This is near the planks. Semua buku-buku itu dijual di toko kami. Dekat papan kayu.
? Yes indeedy, what if their end is near ? ? Ya sungguh, bagaimana jika akhir mereka sudah dekat ?
near where Priyanka lives dekat dengan tempat tinggal Priyanka.
that this was found just near London, and that 55 million years ago bahwa ini ditemukan di dekat London, dan sekitar 55 juta tahun yang lalu
were located near ventilation ducts. ditempatkan di dekat lubang ventilasi.
coming to an operating theater near you soon, I believe. benda ini akan segera ada di ruang operasi di dekat Anda. Saya percaya
One has lacrosse on the near side of town. Salah satu bermain lacrosse di sisi kota yang dekat.
of challenges to confront, global warming is still listed at near the bottom. mengenai masalah yang perlu ditangani, pemanasan global masih berada hampir di deretan terbawah.
for those organisms that live near the shoreline, untuk organisme hidup dekat pinggir laut
that lives near boiling hot hydrothermal vents at Easter Island. yang hidup di dekat kawah hidrotermal panas di Pulau Paskah.
So one day near the end of my journey, Di mana suatu hari di dekat akhir perjalanan saya,
I find the last two words under "Near Antonyms," particularly unsettling: Buat saya dua kata terakhir dibawah tajuk "lawan kata dekat" sangat meresahkan,
which was found buried near the gate of a city. yang ditemukan terkubur di dekat gerbang kota.
actually near Afghanistan, sebenarnya di dekat Afganistan,
right near the entrance of the store. tepat di dekat toko.
near our campsite, dekat kemah kami,
so nowhere near 2,000. sama sekali jauh dari angka 2.000.
So, you have a near-permanent solution for reinvasion of termites. Jadi Anda mendapatkan solusi hampir permanen terhadap serangan rayap.
that I live near Gilgit, northern Pakistan. di tempat saya tinggal di Gilgit, Pakistan Utara.
YR: I was born and raised near Manchester, YR: Saya lahir dan dibesarkan di dekat Manchester,
a near-death experience, suatu pengalaman hampir-mati,
but near-death is good for creativity. tetapi hampir-mati itu bagus untuk kreativitas.