Indonesian to English
hampir berbuat itu bagi | almost do that to |
hampir berhasil mengejar | hot on trail |
hampir bisa dipastikan | almost certainly |
hampir bisa dipastikan bahwa | it is almost certain that |
hampir celaka | a hair breath escape |
hampir dapat | can almost |
hampir dobel | near double |
hampir kalah | squeak through |
hampir kehabisan uang | in dead low water |
hampir kena | near miss |
hampir mabuk | halfshot |
hampir mati | as good as dead |
hampir mati kelaparan | starving to death |
hampir pasti | most certainly |
hampir saja | a matter of inches |
hampir saja;sangat dekat | stop short of |
hampir sama | close resemblance |
hampir selesai | getting past |
hampir sembuh | on the mend |
hampir semua | almost all |
ContohSiapa yang menyukai pernikahan hampir sebesar pengantin wanita? Who loves the wedding almost as much as the bride?
Hampir pada setiap episode kartun ini, In pretty much every episode of this cartoon,
hampir 70% populasi kampus that we may be getting close to 70 percent
hampir sama, tapi dengan susunan is much the same, but with on the order of
yang hampir sulit untuk dipercaya, which are almost unbelievable,
Kita memiliki PBB selama hampir 60 tahun, We've had the U.N. for almost 60 years,
dari hampir separuh populasi penguin Afrika of nearly half the entire world population
Dan dengan cepat, hampir 20.000 penguin And soon, nearly 20,000 penguins
hampir semuanya gagal. and nearly everybody came up short.
Akhirnya dapat bertemu dengannya setelah 10 bulan penungguan -- hampir setahun. Finally got to see him after 10 months of waiting -- almost a year.
hampir sama seperti memori komputer saat ini, is very like the memory of a computer today,
Saya berusia hampir lima tahun. Bisa dibilang, I'm almost five years old. Fair to say,
Kita tidak tahu selama hampir 40 tahun We didn't know for almost 40 years
Bilangan ini panjangnya hampir tujuh belas setengah juta digit. This number is almost 17 and a half million digits long.
Itu membuat saya begitu bergairah yang hampir menyerupai gairah seksual. That fills me with almost sexual excitement.
Saya bercanda waktu saya bilang "hampir menyerupai". And who am I kidding when I say almost?
hampir semua tempat tinggal bawah laut virtually all of the bottom-dwelling life
mengenai bagaimana kami hampir mati di penyelaman ini. about how we almost died on this dive.
hampir setiap menyelam saya muntah lewat regulator, almost every dive I vomit into my regulator
Saya memasangi kaki katak. Saya hampir tidak bisa menggerakkan bibir saya. I put my flippers on. I could barely part my lips.
dan mereka hampir terbunuh and they literally missed being killed
Diperlukan waktu hampir dua tahun untuk mendaftarkan tanah tersebut. It took almost two years just to register the land.
Dan saya hampir berkata, “Carilah kamar. Aku tak ingin melihat ini.“ And I was like, "Get a room. I don't want to see this."
dia menyebut nama hampir semua orang yang baru dia temui dengan nama kecil mereka. he first-names almost everybody he's just met.
Saya hampir bilang, "Oke, itulah kemampuan sosial." I was like, "Okay, that's social skill."
dengan cara yang hampir sama dengan pembuatan chip komputer. in nearly the same way as you make a computer chip.
anda hampir memaksa semua institusi tersebut you almost force the institution
ke depan sebuah pintu, hampir meninggal. to that doorstep, half dead.
hampir semuanya dikendalikan was controlled almost entirely
tersimpan dalam hampir semua sel dalam tubuh kita dalam kromosom are stored in almost all cells in our bodies in chromosomes
dalam proses yang hampir sempurna. in an almost perfect process.
Terlebih lagi, hampir seluruh ragam genetis Moreover, almost all these genetic variants
jelas ini hampir menggambarkan demokrasi yang sedang bekerja. it clearly is almost a picture of democracy at work.
Dan saya hampir dipecat dalam proses ini. And I was almost impeached in the process.
hampir 200.000 orang almost 200,000 people
Di tahun 1925 saja, hampir 7.000 anak-anak Only in 1925, almost 7,000 children
Di negara saya di Kolombia, hampir setengah dari rumah-rumah In my country of Colombia, almost half the homes
hampir seperti memetakan jalan raya antarnegara bagian. as almost mapping our interstate highways, if you will.
mereka menabung hampir 4 kali lebih banyak, saving almost four times as much,
hampir 14 persen. almost 14 percent.
dan hampir pasti lokasinya di Iran, and it is most likely located in Iran,
Dengan hampir seluruh penerbangan komersial di dunia While nearly all of the commercial air travel in the world
Dan saya hampir tidak lulus sekolah dasar. And I barely finished elementary school.
selama hampir sepuluh tahun, it was almost exactly a decade,
namun kita hampir tidak pernah berhenti sejenak untuk merenungkan keajaiban ini. yet we hardly ever pause to consider this wonder.
Saya suka menyebutnya sebagai kesamaan yang hampir tak terbatas dari hari ke hari I like to call it an almost infinite sameness from day to day.
Mereka semua berumur hampir sama. And they're all dating to roughly the same time.
Kita hampir punah. Kita bergantung pada ujung kuku kita. We nearly went extinct. We were hanging on by our fingernails.
Ini terjadi di hampir semua anak2 gadis itu -- It's something that so many girls --
hampir jutaan ton air -- almost a gigaton of water --