Kamus Mobile
Indonesian to English
hampir sama close resemblance
hampirnear, close, almost
samaequal, same


hampir sama, tapi dengan susunan
is much the same, but with on the order of
hampir sama seperti memori komputer saat ini,
is very like the memory of a computer today,
dengan cara yang hampir sama dengan pembuatan chip komputer.
in nearly the same way as you make a computer chip.
Mereka semua berumur hampir sama.
And they're all dating to roughly the same time.
dan menyebabkan korban jiwa hampir sama
and claimed nearly as many lives
tapi ia dikirim di dalam sebuah tabung, hampir sama seperti Musa di sungai Nil.
but he's sent in a pod, much like Moses was on the Nile.
cenderung hampir sama terkenalnya dengan aktor.
tend to be almost as famous as actors.
Kita semua hampir sama.
We're all pretty much the same.
itu hampir sama seperti perut,
pretty much like a stomach,
di akhir musim panas, saat lamanya waktu siang dan malam hampir sama.
at the end of the summer, at the fall equinox.
dan ekonomi India akan hampir sama besarnya
and the Indian economy will be almost the same size
Baiklah, hampir sama.
Oh, it's almost 50/50. Okay.
memiliki populasi yang hampir sama.
have about the same population size.
Tingginya hampir sama seperti itu.
The scale is comparable in height;
ini adalah area dimana perlindungan terhadap pengguna hampir sama sekali tidak ada.
it's an area of consumer protection that's almost entirely naked.
Ini hampir sama seperti seseorang
It's almost like if a person
hampir sama persis dengan apa yang akan Anda dapatkan di sekolah.
almost exactly the same as what you would get in a school.
dimana nampak hampir sama tapi memiliki urutan
which appear undifferentiated but actually have an order,
yang hampir sama -- 1971, 1972 --
which is almost the same year -- '71, '72 --
hampir sama.
in number of babies per woman.
lukisan itu ukurannya hampir sama besar dengan ukuran ini.
the painting is actually about as big as it is right here.
ini hampir sama indahnya seperti di game.
this is almost as beautiful as my games are.
mereka masih hampir sama miskinnya
they are still almost as poor
mereka semua makan makanan yang hampir sama.
they all eat pretty much the same thing.
hampir sama seperti pesawat terbang.
almost the same as aviation's.
Anda akan melihat semuanya hampir sama.
you'll see that they're all very similar to one another.
dan mencapai tingkat kematian balita yang hampir sama dengan Swedia.
and reached almost the same child mortality levels as Sweden.
Jangka waktu pembangunannya hampir sama dengan Taj Mahal.
It took as long as the Taj Mahal.
pertanyaan yang sama juga diutarakan pada saat yang hampir sama
it was also being asked at roughly the same time
hampir sama di seluruh dunia.
is nearly universal around the world.
hanyalah membandingkan keluarga yang hampir sama ini.
is only comparing these basically nearly identical families.
Usia kami hampir sama,
He's about my age,
Saya telah melihat wajah yang hampir sama
I have seen almost the same faces
Anda dapat melihat bahwa peta tersebut hampir sama persis dengan
you will see that it almost perfectly aligns
dengan skala yang hampir sama
with about the same order of magnitude,
masalah yang hampir sama dengan warga Budrus.
a very similar plight to Budrus.
yang hampir sama atau serupa.
electrical and magnetic properties.
material yang hampir sama ini satu sama lain
these very similar materials from each other,
Dan hal yang hampir sama terjadi di sini.
And almost the same happens here.
DNA dasar dari mobil masih hampir sama.
the fundamental DNA of the automobile has stayed pretty much the same.
kedua orang yang hampir sama ini?
of these two nearly identical men?
yang besarnya hampir sama dengan kepala Anda? 300 dolar.
and is about as big as your head? Three hundred bucks.