Indonesian to English
selama | during, while, as long as |
selama banyak hari | for many days |
selama beberapa hari | for certain days |
selama beberapa menit | for minutes |
selama beberapa tahun | for a number of years |
selama berabad-abad | for centuries |
selama berbulan-bulan | for months |
selama bertahun-tahun | for many years |
selama bulan oktober | during the month of |
selama bulan september | during the month of september |
selama enam hari | upon the six days |
selama hidup | along life |
selama ini | all this time |
selama manusia ada | when man was not |
selama minggu berikutnya | over the next week |
selama periode tertentu | for certain period |
selama seabad | over a century |
selama sebulan | in a calendar month |
selama seminggu | during the week |
selama sepekan | weeklong |
selama sepuluh tabun terakhir | during the last decay |
ContohAnda duduk di kursi itu selama satu setengah jam. You're going to sit on these hard chairs for an hour and a half.
dengan kehidupan yang sama selama ribuan tahun. living as they have lived for millenia.
yang menghabiskan waktu saya dan James selama 5 tahun untuk membuatnya. that took me and James five years of our lives to do.
mengambil porsi sehari-hari melalui jaringan selama kurang lebih 30 tahun. taking daily cuts through the network for about 30 years.
Ini berlangsung selama ribuan tahun. And this goes on for thousands of years,
dalam matematika dan sains selama bertahun-tahun. in math and science for years.
Lalu saya katakan, "Yah, saya akan meninggalkan komputer ini selama dua bulan disini. So I said, "Yeah, I'll leave it here for two months.
Saya tanya lagi, "Selama dua bulan, kalian memperhatikan komputer itu dan tak memahami apapun?" So I said, "For two months, you were looking at stuff you didn't understand?"
Dan dia melakukan itu selama dua bulan. She did that for two months.
Dan selama dua tahun terakhir, and over the last two years,
selama 15 menit. in 15 minutes.
Jika kita punya, katakanlah, 50 milyar dolar selama empat tahun untuk disalurkan If we had say, 50 billion dollars over the next four years to spend
Kita memiliki PBB selama hampir 60 tahun, We've had the U.N. for almost 60 years,
Semua model menunjukkan ia akan menunda pemanasan selama enam tahun di 2100. All models show it will postpone warming for about six years in 2100.
Jika kita investasi 13 milyar dolar selama empat tahun ke depan, If we invested about 13 billion dollars over the next four years,
Pada dasarnya, jika kita investasikan 27 milyar dolar selama delapan tahun ke depan, Basically, if we invest 27 billion dollars over the next eight years,
Dan kemudian, selama upaya penyelamatan ini and eventually, over the course of this rescue,
selama penyelamatan Apollo Sea di tahun 1994 during the Apollo Sea rescue in '94
Jadi selama enam tahun di antara kedua tumpahan minyak ini, So in these six years between these two oil spills,
selama dipindahkan, during the transport process,
Hal lain yang dipelajari selama penyelamatan Apollo Sea Something else learned during the Apollo rescue
selama penyelamatan Treasure. during the Treasure rescue.
selama proses latihan ini adalah during the training process.
jadi mereka mulai menggunakannya selama penyelamatan Treasure. so they began using it during the Treasure rescue.
Ditahan lagi, dan saudara saya dipenjara selama sehari. Arrested again, he was sent to detention for one day,
seperti ini selama masa 9 hari saya di penjara. something like this during these nine days I was in jail.
selama wanita dalam masyarakat itu belum bebas. if the women of that society are not free.
dan melalui kerja mereka selama setahun terakhir, And through their work over the last years,
menyelenggarakan Monolog Vagina selama Hari-V, who put on "The Vagina Monologues" during V-Day,
Dan rapat ini dibahas oleh media selama berminggu-minggu, And in this meeting -- it went on for weeks in the press,
ada diskusi besar selama dua minggu. two weeks where there was huge discussion.
Selama delapan tahun dia berjuang di Rift Valley. For eight years, she walked through the Rift Valley.
Dan saya pikir selama saya tetap berduka, dan menangis, And I think as long as I keep grieving, and weeping,
selama tujuh tahun. over seven years.
dari dapur ibunya di Zurich selama berjam-jam sitting in his mother's kitchen in Zurich for hours
selama berbulan-bulan pelatihan ekstensif -- long extensive, months-long training sessions --
Jadi mereka juga memiliki pembidik bom Norden selama perang -- So they had their own Norden bombsight throughout the entire war --
Sebagai ahli biologi, aku telah meneliti kupu-kupu monarch selama 10 tahun terakhir. As a biologist, I have been studying monarch butterflies for the last 10 years.
kapan saja selama seminggu, any time you wanted during the week,
setelah pergi selama 12 tahun. after being separated for a good 12 years.
dan dia dipenjara selama lima tahun. and she spent five years in prison.
dan Lovelace mengerti mesin itu. Selama itu dialah satu-satunya yang berkata, and she gets it. She's the only person in his lifetime, really,
? Membuat perjanjian dengan John Neal, selama di jalan terjual sepuluh ribu ? ? Made a deal with John Neal, on the road sold ten thousand ?
Itulah pekerjaan saya selama 2 tahun ke depan, That is my job for the next two years,
Rata-rata pertumbuhan ekonomi kami adalah 15% selama lima tahun terakhir. The average growth of our economy is about 15 percent for the past five years.
15 persen setiap tahunnya selama 5 tahun terakhir tanpa air. 15 percent every year for the past five years without water.
yang sudah kami kerjakan selama 2 tahun terakhir. that we've been working on over the past two years.
telah bangkit selama 12 bulan terakhir have risen up over the last 12 months
pemerintah kita yang mungkin memiliki hal selama a government we might have
Perjalanan yang Anda dan Saya telah lalui selama beberapa tahun sekarang. And it's a journey that you and I have been on for many years now,