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English to Indonesian
way in which cara di mana


So that's one way in which we think
Jadi itulah salah satu cara yang kita pikir
with a lot of the way in which our conventional metaphors and language
berbagai pandangan dimana metafor-metafor dan bahasa konvensional
There is basically just one way in which a beehive can function.
Pada dasarnya hanya ada satu cara bagaimana sarang lebah dapat berfungsi.
the way in which they recruit
cara mereka merekrut
The one way in which they differ: they're extremely social.
Satu hal yang membuat mereka berbeda: mereka sangat sosial.
And the way in which you could think about us as a species
Dan pandangan tentang kita sebagai suatu spesies,
was the way in which other kinds of calamities
adalah bagaimana berbagai bencana
And this is the way in which living materials
Ini adalah cara benda-benda hidup
that the way in which power has been constructed in China
bahwa cara di mana kekuasaan telah dibangun di Cina
this way in which our face connects with the thousands
dengan cara ini dimana wajah kita terhubung dengan ribuan
and see the way in which all of those names,
dan melihat cara bagaimana semua nama tersebut,
The second way in which sound affects you is psychological.
Cara yang kedua adalah secara fisiologis.
The third way in which sound affects you is cognitively.
Cara yang ketiga adalah secara kognitif.
The fourth way in which sound affects us is behaviorally.
Cara yang keempat adalah tingkah laku kita.
And for the way in which I'm going to present the data,
Untuk penyajian data ini,
The other way in which our genes can sometimes lead us astray
Cara lain di mana gen kita kadang-kadang dapat menyesatkan kita
the way in which we continually address
cara kita terus menerus menangani
In the same way in which ethnic conflict and civil war
Sama halnya dengan fakta bahwa konflik etnis dan perang sipil
the way in which people behave.
cara manusia berperilaku.
and the way in which it influenced my co-religionists
dan bagaimana hal tersebut mempengaruhi rekan seiman saya
But the way in which I learned
Namun, cara saya belajar
And, by the way, this is the way in which
Oh iya,, ini juga cara yang kami gunakan
So first, the way in which this woman was treated, in as little as 10 years,
Jadi selama kurang lebih 10 tahun, cara perawatan wanita ini,
the claims about the way in which she's a good role model, etc.
klaim tentang apakah ia adalah contoh yang baik, dan sebagainya.
of the way in which human beings
mengenai bagaimana manusia
there is a way in which
ada cara di mana
a way in which I could explore and research the world,
cara dimana saya dapat menjelajah dan meneliti dunia,